Tag Archives: Mormon

We leave a lot behind, but we bring home even more.

“A missionary, called to serve for a period of 18 to 24 months as a representative of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, returns home with well-used clothes, a hole or two in the soles of the shoes and a set of well-studied scriptures.

“Returning missionaries carry home a wealth of knowledge and experiences that set the course of their life: firm faith in God; an increased knowledge of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the restored gospel; an exposure to cultural diversity, even when serving in their homeland; a new language competence, possibly with a foreign language, but often with an improvement in their communication skills; an increase in confidence; and an overwhelming love for the people with whom they have served.”


I live in Newcastle… It’s always cold. Even in the summer.

Sorry it’s been so long! Mission life is just crazy sometimes. So, to make up for it, here’s a video! Her name is Sarah. She’s from England. She’s awesome.

Everything I Need to Know… (part 7)

Watch your step!

This is a lesson I had to learn early in life. They called me “Crash” for a little while thanks to my adventures in knocking out my three front teeth by falling down the stairs and breaking my arm not long after. I looked a bit like this little girl on the left…


Continue reading Everything I Need to Know… (part 7)

Everything I Need to Know… (part 6)

I get it from my dad.

Until I’d been a missionary for some time, I never quite realized just how much I have in common with my dad. My ridiculous sense of humor? Yeah. I get it from my dad… And I love it.

Continue reading Everything I Need to Know… (part 6)

Everything I Need to Know… (part 5)

Put a little windex on it!

It may have started off as a quote from a movie, but when your dad (who doesn’t like movies) quotes My Big Fat Greek Wedding at you, there’s got to be something else behind it.

There can’t be one giant fix-all for your problems… Can there? Continue reading Everything I Need to Know… (part 5)